Luxury Homes for Sale in Birmingham, MI

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Why Get a Luxury Home in Birmingham, MI?

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Frequently asked questions

Birmingham has a flourishing retail shopping center, complete with a historic downtown area that traces its origins back to the 1830s. Birmingham provides a diverse range of urban experiences, including both historic architecture and contemporary retail and leisure projects.

Birmingham holds a unique distinction as the only location worldwide that conveniently houses all the necessary components for iron production, namely coal, iron ore, and limestone, within a compact ten-mile radius. Vulcan, the legendary deity associated with metallurgy, has the distinction of being the biggest cast iron statue globally, ranking second in scale only to the Statue of Liberty.

Housing costs in Birmingham are 58% higher than the national average, while utility prices are 6% lower. Transportation costs, such as bus tickets and fuel prices, are almost equivalent to the national average. The grocery costs in Birmingham exceed the national average by 1%.

Birmingham is a secure, amicable, and affluent suburb of Detroit. However, the product's high cost may create an impression of exclusivity. Birmingham is an excellent location for raising a family if you have the financial means to do so. The nightlife in this area is pleasurable and entertaining, although it does require a financial investment. The public schools in this area are unparalleled.

Living Wage Calculation for Michigan
  0 Children 2 Children
Living Wage $20.28 $46.33
Poverty Wage $7.24 $12.41
Minimum Wage $10.33 $10.33

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